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Offering Scholarships, Networking Opportunities & Other Support for Students and Alumni of FAMU

Non-profit Organization Providing Support for FAMU College of Pharmacy, Institute of Public Health

Younger College Student Tutors Mature Older Student Who Is Struggling to Keep Up

Who we are

Welcome to the National Diamondback Pharmacy Alumni Council (NDPAC) website, your resource for alumni news, networking, and continuing education of the Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy, Institute of Public Health.

We originated as the National Florida A&M University Pharmacy Alumni Council in 1970. Although we changed our name to The National Diamondback Pharmacy Alumni Council in 2004, our commitment and dedication to the students, faculty, and administration of the FAMU College of Pharmacy, Institute of Public Health remains unchanged.

There are currently eight alumni chapters, six in Florida, one in Georgia, and one in the Washington, DC area. The alumni members in these chapters are essential to the foundation of our success. They recruit pharmacy students and alumni pharmacists, help promote a positive public image of FAMU College of Pharmacy, Institute of Public Health, raise funds for scholarships, and provide valuable networking opportunities.

To become a member, click “Join Now” and continue the tradition of “Excellence With Caring.” Contact a local chapter near you or send us an email at [email protected], and we’ll put you in touch with a local council president near you.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve as a dedicated body committed to advancing the goals of Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health (CoPPS, IPH), the Alumni Council, and the broader pharmacy profession.

Key Goals and Objectives:

  • Financial Support: Provide monetary aid to support students and programs within the CoPPS, IPH.

  • Community Health Education: Promote health literacy and wellness through community outreach and educational initiatives with a particular focus on health equity for vulnerable and underserved communities.

  • Recruitment: Identify professionals that cultivate a supportive teaching and learning environment that attracts talented students to the CoPPS, IPH.

  • Partnerships: Strengthen connections and promote collaboration among community organizations, CoPPS & IPH Alumni, and supporters of the pharmacy profession.

  • Professional Development: Encourage involvement in health-focused organizations, such as the American Pharmacist Association (APhA), American Public Health Association (APHA), National Pharmaceutical Association (NPhA) and other local, state, and national organizations.

This mission ensures the Alumni Council remains a pivotal force in promoting academic excellence, community engagement, and service, while advancing the role and practice of pharmacy and public health.

Portrait of an Attractive Young Businesswoman Standing on Her Office Balcony

National Officers

Marrissa Walker

Marrissa Walker

Turkesia Robertson-Jones2

Turkesia Robertson-Jones

Vice President
M. Celeste Fowler

M. Celeste Fowler

Kayla Thomas

Kayla Thomas

Lonnie Carr2

Lonnie Carr

Sergeant at Arms/Chaplain
Leo Donaldson edit

Leo Donaldson


Nicketris Mandela

Immediate Past President
Marrissa Walker
Marrissa Walker

Invite Letter from Marrissa Walker, NDPAC President

Greetings CoPPS, IPH Alumni and Friends,

It is time for all the Rx Rattlers to stand up and join forces and accept the challenge of becoming members of the National Diamondback Pharmacy Alumni Council for the 2024-25 fiscal year. Invite your classmates and friends to ride on this Famuly voyage with us! My personal theme for this year as President is “Growing Stronger, Together.”

Young African American Graduate Student Sitting on the bench

Give to the NDPAC

The National Diamondback Pharmacy Alumni Council(NDPAC), formerly the National Florida A&M University Pharmacy Alumni Council, is a 501(c)(3) educational organization comprised primarily of FAMU pharmacy graduates and their supporters. The NDPAC works closely with the FAMU College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Institute of Public Health (FAMU COPPS, IPH) to help support its programs and activities for students and staff and enable the FAMU COPPS' role as a "Center of Excellence."